Cerridwen Fallingstar

Author, Priestess, Shamanic Witch

Rocket in My Pocket

Defying Gravity with Levity, from the Frontiers of Space to the Frontiers of Consciousness

Memoir/Humor : People like to say, “It’s not rocket science.” But Cerridwen Fallingstar’s father designed space rockets and satellites, so in her childhood it was all rocket science. Fallingstar’s rollicking trajectory from a Republican cold war upbringing to Pagan Priestess is a unique, yet utterly relatable portrait of a culture growing from denial to awareness. 

Books by Cerridwen Fallingstar



Ritual makes life’s transitions sacred, makes them real to us at a soul level.  Cerridwen designs each ritual with unique elements that make them transformative for the participants.

Classes and Workshops

Cerridwen Fallingstar, a shamanic Witch and Priestess, has taught classes, workshops and offered lectures in magic and ritual for over thirty years. 

One on One Work

Cerridwen Fallingstar offers private sessions utilizing hypnotherapy, soul retrieval and divination. She offers one-on-one private sessions in the San Geronimo Valley, Marin County, Ca
