Reviewed By Susan Sewell for Readers’ Favorite

Broth From the Cauldron (A Wisdom Journey Through Everyday Magic) by Cerridwen Fallingstar is a fascinating and inspirational compilation of experiences of a Wicca practitioner and Priestess. Beginning with the author’s childhood, the book has seventy-five separate anecdotes that are brimming with ideas and wisdom gleaned from her life. Understanding various spiritual aspects, such as reincarnation, and having a more highly evolved perspective of the world around her since she was a toddler, her awareness and consciousness are amazing. Told in random order, the wondrous, humorous, enlightening, and heartbreaking encounters the young girl experienced from her early childhood through widowhood are poignantly recounted. Experiencing grief, hardship, and belittlement, she discovers peace, acceptance, freedom, and unconditional love within the earth’s energy-based religion of Wicca. Astounding miracles and magic intricately thread between and through the sorrows of tragedy and loss, weaving a magnificent tapestry of a life fully lived. Compelling and impactful, the story is a powerful testament of how listening and following your inner voice can open up your world and inspire you to live it!

In the enchanting memoir, Broth From the Cauldron (A Wisdom Journey Through Everday Magic) by Cerridwen Fallingstar, these biographical accounts of a Wiccan Priestess are inspirational as well as entertaining. Following the design of Chicken Soup for the Soul, this motivational book succeeds in creating a healing balm for a battered spirit. Skillfully and expertly written, it is an exceptional piece of work. Feeling as if I were in a time capsule, I understood the era the author came from and could relate to the hardships she faced. It is a stunning and enjoyable book, and I appreciate Cerridwen’s courage in sharing her journey with the world. I recommend this book to everyone who feels out of sync with the world and needs to be inspired and motivated to make the most of who they are and live life to its fullest. Because of some sexual situations and substance use are advocated, the book is more fitting for a mature reader.