by Nicole Tostevin | Apr 11, 2020
Listen to "XZRS: Cerridwen Fallingstar - Shamanic Witch and Priestess" on Spreaker. Cerridwen Fallingstar is a shamanic Witch and Priestess who has taught classes in magic and ritual for over forty years. She gives lectures tying together psychology, spirituality,...
by Nicole Tostevin | Apr 9, 2020
Interview on The Hermetic Hour – Blog Talk Radio 4/9/2020 On Thursday, April 9th, 2020 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion and review of “Broth from the Cauldron” by Cerridwen Fallingstar who will join us in the discussion of her book....
by Nicole Tostevin | Apr 3, 2020
Cerridwen Fallingstar interviewed by GoodNewsBroadcast A Halloween treat speaking to a real witch. Cerridwen Fallingstar is one of the country’s leading authorities on Witchcraft, Shamanism and Pagan Rituals. A popular media guest, she has appeared on CNN, the Oxygen...